Tow Truck Jigsaw

tow truck jigsaw

Last Updated on May 13, 2021 by JigsawPuzzleGuru

When our family began doing foster care, a nice lady from the church began to scour garage sales for used toys that our children might like. As a result, she has brought us boxes and boxes of wonderful toys. With 6 boys in our home, it is hard to go wrong with trucks. Today’s tow truck jigsaw is inspired by the support and kindness of a sweet lady that only wants to bless the lives of children in her community. We have tried to offer her money to help offset the cost of all the treasures she brings us. However, she says to only give her money “if you want to offend me.” At this, we chuckle and accept the gifts with gratitude.

Please enjoy today’s daily jigsaw puzzle. We hope it brings a smile to your face like it has our children.

If you need some great “toy” themed puzzles for your family to work together, please check out these treasures: