Last Updated on May 18, 2021 by JigsawPuzzleGuru

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There is not much like hiking in the wilderness and beholding the beauty. Snow-covered mountain peaks take your breath away. Sun bouncing on the faces of the cliffs paint the landscape in hues of colors you didn’t know existed. Cool and clear mountain lakes reflect the majesty before you. As you look upon this puzzle entitled “Mountains on Fire,” you feel very much like the person depicted in the lower left-hand corner who is rejoicing, arms outstretched, at the scene before him. This is our review of the Buffalo Games Mountains on Fire 1000 piece puzzle.

In the same way that it is arduous to climb up to those heights, it is not easy to put this puzzle together…and that is a good thing.
The construction is fantastic, and the pieces click into place definitively. However, with the reflected image duplicating portions of the image, the variations in the rocks, and the shadows created by the sunlight’s angle combined, it is a fantastic challenge to get the right piece in the right place.
No doubt, the trees in the landscape and the accurate portrayal of varying colors in the striations of rock make these the most difficult parts of the puzzle.
All in all, it took two adults 5 multi-hour sessions to put this 1000 piece puzzle together, and we enjoyed every minute of it! It was like we were hiking through the mountains again. This puzzle will almost make you put on your hiking boots while you work it, and it could inspire you to go outside to hit the trails!
Buffalo Games puzzles are some of our favorites because of the combined quality of the construction and images they use.
We would be hard-pressed to come up with any cons with this piece of art. If we had to express one difficulty we had to overcome (and it was minor, to say the least) was a glare from our overhead light due to the shiny finish on the puzzle. With an adjustment to the angle, we were quickly back on track. We mention it only because it may affect your placement of this image on the wall should you choose to frame it. If you are an outdoors person this puzzle would certainly be a good candidate for that.

Buffalo Games “Mountains on Fire” is a truly inspirational puzzle. It will require your attention and dedication to complete the 1000 piece version, although the investment is worth it. In addition to that one, there are 750 piece and 300 piece variations that might be a better choice for you. On the other hand, if you are a thrill-seeker and a real mountain climber, you might try the 2000 piece puzzle.
Read more puzzle reviews HERE!