Last Updated on May 23, 2021 by JigsawPuzzleGuru

Today we bring you a radishes puzzle and hope it is a challenging yet enjoyable jigsaw for you to work online. The beautiful red and pink colors and their green tops mixed with the straw background will keep you busy for a few minutes.
Grow your own!
Radishes are one of the best vegetables to grow in your garden. This is especially true for beginners since it takes only 28 days from planting to harvest. It is recommended to start a new row of radishes each week so that you can continue to harvest them throughout the season. The vibrant colors and spunky taste make a salad pop with flavor.
It is easy to grow a number of this vegetable in a small space. Even small planters and pots can grow radishes on everything to a backyard deck to an apartment balcony. Make sure to grow a few extra so that you can share them with your neighbors. They will love you for it.
What to do with your radishes
Don’t be wasteful. Not only are the plump red portion of the vegetable good to eat. The greens can be sautéed with some spices and olive oil. Likewise, they can be added to soups and salads to enhance the flavor. Another favorite recipe is radish greens pesto. Serve this with your favorite chicken and pasta dinner to become a hero to your family.
Finally, if you aren’t a “greens” type person, radish tops are a great treat for chickens. Give them to your friends to share with their flock. The chickens will fight over them as they devour them. This added nutrition helps the chickens stay healthy and continue to produce flavorful eggs. Your generosity might even turn those greens into a few farm fresh eggs!
Go out and buy some radish seeds today. Radishes are great and we hope this radishes puzzle helps you remember that!