Last Updated on May 20, 2021 by JigsawPuzzleGuru

Today’s daily jigsaw puzzle is inspired by the Incredible Hulk. This Hulk puzzle is an image of a toy that is missing a leg. As a result, a clothespin has been added to keep the fun alive. We call him Peg Leg Hulk!
With 6 children, there is nonstop effort to have fun in our home. We have accumulated a vast collection of toys along the way. Many of the toys were handed down from child to child and no insignificant number of them have been broken and repaired. After the invincible Hulk lost a leg in an epic superhero battle, his limb was replaced to keep him in the fight! Perhaps we need a purple and green sharpie to make it blend in a little better. We hope you enjoy this free online jigsaw puzzle!
If you are needing some more Marvel jigsaw puzzles in your life, check out our review of several HERE.
Keep puzzling!