Free Lego Block Puzzle

Last Updated on February 23, 2024 by JigsawPuzzleGuru

Several years ago, when we only had four children, we made a trip to a nearby mall where they had a famous LEGO store!

yellow lego block puzzle

The kids were young so it was next to impossible to keep their hands off of everything. It was equally difficult to keep eyes on them to prevent them from wandering off. On one wall, there were bins of legos of every color. When the kids were subdued drooling over the latest magical brick creation, I stepped away to snap this photo of a bin of yellow legos. It makes a delightful free lego block puzzle as the shadows and light create different shades and the circles and lines make it especially challenging.

Another highlight of that trip was the escalators. It was the first time our children had ever seen, much less ridden on the “stairway to heaven.” Since we didn’t buy them any high-priced Lego sets, they needed to be pacified. The answer was numerous round trips on the free transportation.

A Lego block puzzle is always challenging. If you liked this jigsaw puzzle of the day, you might like this beauty.

If not, perhaps this 1000 piece puzzle with the same effect will grace your puzzle table.