Quality free online jigsaws are hard to find online. Jigsaws with a story behind them are non-existent. Not anymore!
Story: I was shocked when I saw this school zone sign for the first time. This was the first community I had ever lived in that had a speed limit of less than 20mph. Nearly every single day, the local police with blue lights flashing had a car pulled over. It was, for this reason, I was spared. For months, narrowly escaped a ticket until I learned to decrease my speed appropriately. Each summer, the bad habit of driving the regular speed limit through the zone, was reinstalled in me. Each new school year, I risked speeding through and getting a ticket. Thankfully, I never received a ticket. However, there were many close calls!
The daily jigsaw image shows the school zone sign set against a fall sky. A bare tree branches out from behind the sign to create some interesting lines. The puzzle itself is only 54 pieces but it should keep you busy for a few minutes.
Jigsaw Puzzle Guru is proud to provide free online jigsaws for its visitors to enjoy.